BOOK REVIEW: The Language of Divorce by Leanne Treese @authorleanne @fillesvertespub @suzyapbooktours #blogtour #thelanguageofdivorce
I love to read debut novels by an author, because I find the reading of the book to be such a special experience. When I had a chance to read Leanne Tresse’s The Language of Divorce, I was so excited. The premise sounded right up my ally—two people who found themselves at what they perceived as a dead end in their marriage, going to extreme lengths to determine whether they can make it work. I was so delighted by this book! Beautifully authentic characters, quick chapters, and a well-rounded story made this a winning debut for Leanne Treese.
About the Book
Hannah and Will Abbott define the American dream: two kids, a home in the suburbs, and a seemingly perfect marriage. But discontent lurks beneath the surface of their outwardly happy lives. Both Will and Hannah suspect the other of infidelity. When they independently consult divorce attorneys, the conflict escalates and Hannah flees with the children against a court order. Hannah’s snap decision starts a social media firestorm and, suddenly, the Abbott divorce is big news.
With family stress and legal fees rising, Will and Hannah accept an invitation to appear on a reality television show for divorcing couples. During filming on the beautiful island of St. John, the Abbotts must decide once and for all: can their love survive their past?
The story unfolds through viewpoint of four characters: Will, the affable boy-next-door everyone loves; Hannah, the fastidious wife still in love with her husband; David, the tough-talking attorney with a heart of gold; and Rachel, the insecure novice lawyer infatuated with the Abbotts. Written with both humor and heart, The Language of Divorce is a captivating debut which will stay in readers’ hearts long after the final page.
This book could have gone two different ways based on the synopsis, in my opinion. The first would be a more salacious grab-your-popcorn type of read, and the second would be more of a deep study of a family and a relationship and all of the baggage and light that comes with that. The book is firmly in the latter category, and though I would have liked both, I thought this was the better way by far.
This work of contemporary fiction is lovely, with some interesting narrative techniques. The book (as mentioned in the synopsis) is narrated by several characters. Sometimes this can be messy because it can be hard to keep up with that many storylines. I didn’t feel that way at all in this book! Treese keeps the chapters relatively short, which allowed me to hear the different stories unfold in a way that kept my interest piqued and the pages turning.
I found the characters in this book to feel delightfully relatable, which I was certain I’d feel going in. They are certainly flawed individuals and at times I didn’t always support the way they acted. But that’s what makes them real, right? I found them to be complex and well-rounded. This is a hard type of character to write. I think a lot of authors fall into a trap of wanting their favorite characters to be perfect. Everything is someone else’s fault. A truly great character is certainly not perfect—no one wants to read about someone who does everything correct all of the time!
Marriage is hard, in case you hadn’t heard. And this book really delves into that. It is complicated to decide to stay with someone your whole life. It is also complicated to know when it isn’t working anymore. It really takes work and sometimes staying married really isn’t the best thing. As we learn, the people we love most can also be the ones to hurt us the most. That betrayal can be toxic or it can be a place of growth. I loved this family and I loved how we saw the impact of this relationship and all of it’s problems on all of them. The true savior of marriage (and this book!) is communication, love, and transparency. Maybe a bit of hope.
Will and Hannah… They are two interesting people! I found myself loving and despising them at different times. Treese has a way with writing emotion that was both deep and sprinkled with a bit of humor and light. This is a beautiful book and I don’t want to spoil how everything plays out for each of these people. You’ll have to read it for yourself!
Thank you to Suzy at Suzy Approved Book Tours for my copy. Opinions are my own.
About the Author
Leanne lives in New Jersey with her husband of twenty-five years and their three wonderful children. When Leanne is not cheering her kids on in their activities, she can be found running, watching 76ers basketball games, and spoiling her two beloved dogs. Favorite locations include the Jersey shore, Martha’s Vineyard, and any place that sells books or coffee, preferably both. A passionate student, Leanne’s dream life would include going back to college and majoring in everything.
Leanne is a graduate of Lafayette College and The Dickinson School of Law. She is a former attorney who is now lucky enough to write full-time! The Language of Divorce is her debut novel.
Website: www.leannetreese.com
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