About My Reviews

About My Reviews

Thank you for visiting me at PhDiva.blog! I absolutely love to read and write reviews for books, and share books I’ve loved with other people. I want to talk a bit about how I review books and some common questions that come up from people reading my blog.

Why aren’t there star ratings?

On my blog, I only post about books that I recommend to my followers, whether they be students of mine, readers, book sellers, or people who just want to know more about books. That means if I post a review here, I am 100% behind that book. By reviewing it on PhDiva.blog, I’m recommending it to readers.I don’t use star-ratings because I think it sometimes promotes unfair comparisons of books. If you want to see my star ratings, you can always go to my Goodreads profile or see my reviews on Amazon.

I’m all about positivity, and I don’t want to bash any books on my blog just because they weren’t a good fit for me. My reviews are honest, but respectful. Publishing is hard work, and I respect anyone getting their book written and out there to the world. I don’t believe there is a book in this world that won’t speak to some readers. I will post  feedback about what did and didn’t work for me personally, and what may work or not work for other readers. I am also really happy to answer any questions from those considering if a book is for them!

Where do I get books to review?

My reviews are about 50% books I sought out and purchased myself, and 50% advanced reader copies that publishers have allowed me a chance to read and review honestly. I love to help out publishers and authors by publicizing books I read and loved. If you are a publisher or author, please reach out to me! I accept eBooks or physical ARCs. I’m happy to provide my mailing address to Publishers if you send me an email.

Where do I publicize my reviews?

I am really active about publicizing books, because it is a huge passion of mine! In my professional work, I reach about 500 people with my recommendations depending on the semester, through students at the university and post-graduates in my city. On my blog and social media, I reach about 1,500 additional people. I am active on twitter, facebook, instagram, and goodreads as a book reviewer. I also post all reviews to Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other book sellers on publication day, to help books I love be visible to readers. If you have an additional website you’d like me to publicize on, please reach out! I am open to new avenues to support books.

Happy reading!
