Book Review,  Contemporary,  Fiction

Book Review: Clickbait | Holly Baxter

Journalists are meant to cover the news, not to be the news. Unfortunately Natasha finds herself on the wrong side of this equation in Holly Baxter’s Clickbait. Don’t let the cute cover and title fool you, this is a book with depth to it. Surprising and hard to put down!

What is Clickbait about?

The first thing they tell you when you begin your training is never to become the news.  Natasha has screwed up royally. Her mistake isn’t just embarrassing, it’s a breach of journalistic ethics that makes headlines and costs her a plum job reporting from London. Back in New York at thirty-five and single, divorced from a kind man she loved, she finds herself at the bottom of the media food chain—a junior reporter at a clickbait factory, rewriting sensational tabloid stories to make them just different enough to avoid lawsuits.  

As if her professional fall from grace weren’t bad enough, she’s taken the money she’d saved for a down payment for a home on a charming Brooklyn block with her husband, and rashly bought a boxy apartment overlooking the gray ocean in Rockaway Beach, Queens.  Though seeing friends and family only serves to remind her of what she’s lost, things begin to pick up when her ex-boyfriend Zach moves back to New York and accepts her offer of a spare bedroom. The arrangement is strictly platonic, of course—for him. But Natasha can’t help but wonder whether he might be the solution to all her problems.  As Natasha’s obsession with Zach grows and her involvement in increasingly dystopian “churnalism” deepens, her worlds threaten to collide in the most cataclysmic, extremely public way. 

What did I think?

This book is nothing like I expected. It has the type of cover that has become a rom com signature over the past decade. This is definitely not a rom com, though. It’s contemporary fiction, which could share some overlap to have the similar cover style. In this case, it’s not quite right. I love the cover and I enjoy the book, but this book has some heavy themes to it. It also has a lot of humor and some absurd scenarios that are characteristic of the lighthearted side of contemporary fiction.

The book picks up with Natasha who has had her marriage end, was sent back to the states, and is banished from the prestige of true journalism to pump out clickbait-worthy headlines about the most absurd corners of the internet. We know early on that whatever caused this major setback in her career also caused her divorce. But when I tell you that I would never in one million years have guessed the reason behind it all, I mean it! I’m blushing, I’m giggling, and covering my eyes in secondhand embarrassment even thinking about it! This was NOT a case of something being overblown. Holy moly, miss Natasha! You need to clean this up (this meaning your life and yourself). If you want to know what it is, you can head to my spoilers review where I reveal all the dirty details!

There is a lot to unfold. The moments with her work and the “stories” she is now covering plus her interactions with her new (inexperienced) boss are constantly entertaining. But the bulk of the story is about Natasha. Baxter explores her character in a deep way. She is flawed to her core. This in many ways was why I liked the book so much. Natasha is authentic. She’s not even sure why she did what she did at first. She also hasn’t fully acknowledged what a colossal mistake it was. It continues to reverberate through her life, and Natasha herself is in a dark place for quite a bit of the book. Will she find redemption? Will she repair her marriage? Will she end up with the ex-boyfriend who finds his way into her apartment? I’m going to take those answers over to the spoiler review!

I ended up enjoying this book. It’s a well written character study with enough funny moments to balance out the bleakness of Natasha’s situation and life. Expect to see front row the journey to the bottom of mental health and where that takes her. The ending to me felt unpredictable. In part because there were so many ways the author might wrap this up. In love? Single? With redemption? Still on her journey? You’ll have to read to find out which!


  • Anonymous

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  • Lucia Coman

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  • Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

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  • Anonymous


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  • Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Individuals should exercise extreme caution in the investment landscape, as numerous fraudulent investment companies and deceptive recovery firms operate globally. The difficulty in withdrawing funds from trading accounts, or the experience of complete financial loss, is unfortunately a common occurrence. These situations often involve sophisticated schemes designed to exploit unsuspecting investors. For example, Ponzi schemes promise exceptionally high returns with minimal risk, attracting investors who subsequently lose their principal investments when the scheme collapses. Another common tactic involves fraudulent brokers who manipulate trading platforms or provide false information to induce losses. Furthermore, many victims fall prey to scam recovery firms that promise to retrieve stolen funds but instead demand upfront fees without delivering on their promises. These firms often operate anonymously and lack any legitimate regulatory oversight. MARS TECH RECOVERY GURUs offers guidance and assistance to individuals who have experienced such financial losses. Our services encompass a comprehensive assessment of the situation, identification of the perpetrators, and the pursuit of legal avenues for fund recovery. This process may involve collaborating with law enforcement agencies, regulatory bodies, and legal professionals to build a robust case for restitution. It is crucial to remember that recovering stolen funds requires patience, diligence, and a thorough understanding of the legal processes involved. While MARS TECH RECOVERY GURUs strives to provide effective solutions, the success of any recovery effort is dependent on various factors, including the nature of the fraud, the availability of evidence, and the cooperation of relevant authorities. Therefore, prospective clients should approach the process with realistic expectations and a commitment to full transparency and cooperation.
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  • Anonymous

    Did you suffer losses from the CanCap Crypto investment scam?

    Sadly, I was a victim of this CanCap crypto investment scam, and I lost $757,000 worth of crypto in 24 hours. I saw an article about CanCap Crypto on Facebook, supposedly endorsed by then-Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. I was deceived into believing I could invest in this scheme, but I ended up losing all my money. Not a while later, I found out that I was being scammed when I saw the news about the Alberta Securities Commission (ASC) warnings about the CanCap Crypto investment scam. I was left wondering what had happened and how I could recover my money. A friend who works for the government of Alberta told me about Morphohack Cyber Service, which is a resourceful crypto recovery company. I contacted Morphohack Cyber Service, who had already received several other requests to investigate and recover crypto from the same scam, while I was still in doubt if it could be done, Morphohack was able to recover my crypto investments from CanCap within 48 hours later. In light of the situation, I fully recommend the service of Morphohack Cyber Service while I encourage everyone out there to be careful of their crypto investments or seek help from a reputable and trustworthy source.

    WhatsApp: +1 213 (672) 4092 E-mail: Morphohack@CyberServices.Com

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  • Anonymous

    A Crypto Recovery Miracle: How Morphohack Saved My $309,000 Investment!

    I’d almost given up hope. Months had passed since I’d made a substantial investment in cryptocurrency through the FTX exchange but despite my repeated attempts to withdraw my funds, the exchange had locked my account without explanation.
    The frustration was overwhelming. I’d invested a significant amount and it seemed like it was gone forever. But then, a glimmer of hope appeared. I discovered Morphohack Cyber Service, a team of experts specializing in cryptocurrency recovery.
    With a mix of skepticism and desperation, I reached out to Morphohack. I provided them with my wallet address and transaction records, and they got to work. It wasn’t long before they delivered the impossible: my crypto assets were back in my possession.
    I’m still in awe of the expertise and efficiency displayed by Morphohack. Their service is a beacon of hope for anyone who’s lost access to their cryptocurrency investments. If you’re in a similar situation, don’t hesitate to reach out to Morphohack. They might just perform a miracle for you, too.
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  • Anonymous

    As a seasoned pilot, I’d spent years flying the friendly skies of Europe, diligently saving my earnings from countless flights. So, when I decided to invest my €100,000 gratuity with ForexTilt, I thought I’d made a savvy decision. But, little did I know, my dreams of growing my savings would soon turn into a nightmare.
    The platform’s performance began to plummet, and before I could react, my entire investment had vanished into thin air. I was stunned, feeling like I’d been punched in the gut. This wasn’t just any money; it was the result of years of hard work and sacrifice.
    The reality soon set in: I’d been scammed. The disappointment and frustration were overwhelming, leaving me feeling helpless and shattered. My confidence in financial markets had been shaken to the core.
    Determined to recover my stolen funds, I embarked on a quest for justice. I scoured the internet, seeking advice from friends, family, and online forums. That’s when I stumbled upon Morphohack Cyber Service, a reputable firm specializing in recovering lost funds.
    With trepidation, I reached out to Morphohack Cyber Service, hoping against hope that they could help me recover my stolen savings. Their team was empathetic, professional, and reassuring, giving me the confidence to pursue the recovery process.
    Through their tireless efforts, Morphohack Cyber Service successfully tracked down my stolen funds and recovered the full amount. I was overjoyed, feeling like I’d been given a second chance. The recovery came just in time for Christmas, bringing me immense relief and joy.
    Thanks to Morphohack Cyber Service, I regained control of my finances and rediscovered hope for the future.
    Whats App: + 1 2 1 3 6 7 2 – 4 0 9 2

  • Anonymous

    Reclaiming My Financial Freedom: A Story of Recovery

    My cryptocurrency trading experience had turned into an absolute nightmare. Despite multiple attempts, I was locked out of my funds and unable to access my $220,000 investment. The platform’s support group failed to provide a clear explanation or resolution, leaving me helpless.
    When I thought all hope was lost, I discovered HackMetrix Recovery Service. Desperate for a solution, I reached out to them at ( Their team of experts sprang into action, working tirelessly to recover my lost funds.
    Thanks to the HackMetrix Recovery Team’s unwavering support and commitment, I was finally able to retrieve my stolen cryptocurrency. Their expertise and guidance helped restore my finances and renewed my faith in the possibility of recovery.
    I’m eternally grateful to HackMetrix Recovery Service for their exceptional service. If you’re facing a similar situation, don’t give up hope. Reach out to them at on the following details:
    WhatsApp: +1 872361 6523

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