Book Club
BOOK REVIEW: Until the Day I Die by Emily Carpenter @EmilyDCarpenter @AmazonPub #untilthedayidie #lakeunionpublishing #bookreview
I have to say, now that I’ve read my second psychological thriller by Emily Carpenter, she is firmly cemented in my top go-to thriller authors. Until the Day I Die had so many…
BOOK REVIEW: The Perfect Girlfriend by Karen Hamilton @KJHAuthor @HarlequinBooks #ThePerfectGirlfriend #bookreview #bookblog
YOU’VE NEVER READ A LOVE STORY AS TWISTED AS THIS. You know when you read a book, and you know logically who you are supposed to like and dislike, and somehow you feel…
BOOK REVIEW: The Last Year of the War by Susan Meissner @SusanMeissner @BerkleyPub #thelastyearofthewar #bookbestieslastyearofthewar #bookreview
A story of friendship, love, loss, and finding out who you really are. Susan Meissner’s latest novel The Last Year of the War follows two American girls who are from German and Japanese…
BOOK REVIEW: My Lovely Wife by Samantha Downing @smariedowning @berkleypub #bookbestiesmylovelywife #bookreview #mylovelywife
Seriously twisted! I don’t even know how to prepare myself to talk about this book because it is THAT good! When I read My Lovely Wife by Samantha Downing, I not only had…
BOOK REVIEW: American Princess by Stephanie Marie Thornton @StephMThornton @berkleypub #bookbestiesamericanprincess #americanprincess #bookreview
In a powerful story of the dark and light sides of her life, the unconventional, unapologetic, and uninhibited Alice Roosevelt shines through the pages of Stephanie Marie Thornton’s American Princess: A Novel of…
BOOK REVIEW: The Last by Hanna Jameson @hanna_jameson #bookbestiesthelast
My mind is still reeling from Hanna Jameson’s post-apocalyptic mystery novel, The Last! I read this one with my bestie Berit and wow did we love it!!This book just defies a genre, if…
BOOK REVIEW: A Beautiful Corpse by Christi Daugherty @CJ_Daugherty @MinotaurBooks #bookbestiesabeautifulcorpse #abeautifulcorpse
Wow, this book was so compulsively readable and addictive! I found myself thinking about the mystery of A Beautiful Corpse by Christi Daugherty whenever I wasn’t reading it. As journalist Harper McClain pursues…
BOOK REVIEW: The Last Woman in the Forest by Diane Les Becquets @dlesbecquets @berkleypub #bookbestieslastwomanintheforest #thelastwomanintheforest
The opening chapter to Diane Les Becquet’s The Last Woman in the Forest is positively chilling! From the moment I read it, I seriously couldn’t put the book down. I wouldn’t say this…
BOOK REVIEW: The Care and Feeding of Ravenously Hungry Girls by Anissa Gray @berkleypub #thecareandfeedingofravenouslyhungrygirls #bookbestiescareandfeeding #bookbestieapproved
A dark portrayal of the dysfunction of families, this book touches on many important but difficult subjects. The Care and Feeding of Ravenously Hungry Girls by Anissa Gray is the sort of book…
BOOK REVIEW: The Secret of Clouds by Alyson Richman @alysonrichman @berkleypub #thesecretofclouds #bookbestiessecretofclouds
Tearfully beautiful and filled with a certain sort of magic that only an inspiring story can deliver, Alyson Richman’s The Secret of Clouds is a book I encourage everyone to open their heaart to. I’m still…