BOOK REVIEW: A Shot of Murder by J. A. Kazimer @JAKazimer @midnightinkbook @KayePublicity #AShotofMurder #cozymystery #bookreview
200 years ago, a whisky distillery was founded in Gett, Florida named Lucky Whisky. When Lucky shared his secret recipe with this best friend Gett, he stole it and started a rival distillery.…
BOOK REVIEW: A Deadly Feast (Key West food critic mystery #9) by Lucy Burdette @LucyBurdette @crookedlanebks #adeadlyfeast #bookreview
It’s nearly Thanksgiving in Key West and for food critic Hayley Snow, that can only mean one thing—lobster macaroni, key lime pie, and murder! We find Hayley preparing for not only Thanksgiving, but…
BOOK REVIEW: Murder She Wrote: Murder in Red by Jessica Fletcher and Jon Land @JonDLand @BerkleyPub @BerkleyMystery #murdershewrote #murderinred
I love pretty much ALL cozy mysteries, but I have a special place in my heart for a few of my favorite amateur sleuths—Nancy Drew, Miss Marple, and of course, the irreplaceable Jessica…
BOOK REVIEW: The Codebook Murders (Oakwood Mystery #4) by Leslie Nagel @leslie_nagel @penguinrandom #thecodebookmurders
A murder from Oakwood’s history resurfaces during a terrifying storm, and brings new clues and dead bodies in it’s wake! This is the third book from the Oakwood mystery series that I’ve read…
Book Review: The Stillwater Girls | Minka Kent
Two seemingly separate stories intertwine in a shocking way in the latest novel by Minka Kent, The Stillwater Girls! In one story, two girls raised in isolation off the grid find themselves forced…
BOOK REVIEW: Come and Get Me by August Norman @crookedlanebks #comeandgetme #augustnorman #bookreview
A book with a fun, fierce, flawed female lead and a gripping mystery that had me hooked from the first chapter! August Norman’s Come and Get Me is his debut thriller featuring journalist…
Book Review: Over Her Dead Body | Kate White | Bailey Weggins #4
Back at it with my Kate White spotlight series, with my review of Over Her Dead Body, the fourth installment in the Bailey Weggins series. To backtrack, I’ve been doing a re-read of…
BOOK REVIEW: Death of a New American by Mariah Fredericks @mariahfredericks @Minotaurbooks #minotaurbooks #deathofanewamerican #bookreview
A socially-conscious, atmospheric, historical mystery exploring issues of ethnicity, class, and gender equality in the backdrop of early 1900s New York City. The novel is set right after news of the Titanic hits…
BOOK REVIEW: Death Waits in the Dark by Julia Buckley @JuliaBucks @BerkleyMystery @BerkleyPub #cozymystery #writersapprentice #deathwaitsinthedark #bookreview
Nothing cools off a summer heat-wave in Blue Lake, Indiana quite like a chilling murder! In Julia Buckley’s fourth installment of her Writer’s Apprentice cozy mystery series Death Waits in the Dark, a…
BOOK REVIEW: The Loch Ness Papers by Paige Shelton @authorpaige @minotaurbooks #thelochnesspapers #minotaurbooks #bookreview
Paige Shelton’s fourth installment in the Scottish Bookshop Mysteries The Loch Ness Papers has it all—wedding troubles, an adorable setting, a bookshop, an eccentric lochness monster enthusiast, and a hunt for the enigmatic…