Book Recommendation: Well Played | Jen DeLuca
Charm and wit served up in spades in the second installment of Jen DeLuca’s Renaissance Faire contemporary romance series, Well Played! Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Instagram About the Book…
Book Recommendation: My Sweet Girl | Amanda Jayatissa
While they aren’t for everyone, I have always loved a well-written unlikable character, and the lead in Amanda Jayatissa’s debut novel My Sweet Girl is unlikable in the best way. Spoiled, disinterested in…
Psychological Thriller Recommendation: Robyn Harding | The Drowning Woman
When our Saturday Book Club was looking for our August thriller book club picks, we had lots of titles we considered but decided on Robyn Harding because we always like a psychological thriller…
Book Review: The Three Mrs. Wrights | Linda Keir
If you’re looking for a soapy suspense novel that is (bonus!) available on Kindle Unlimited, then Linda Keir’s The Three Mrs. Wrights is your next read. I thought this book was like a…
Cover Reveal: BECOMING MADAM SECRETARY by Stephanie Dray
Read more about Dray’s newest historical fiction novel I’m thrilled to share the cover of Stephanie Dray’s super anticipated new novel Becoming Madam Secretary, which goes on sale March 2024, tracing the life…
Book Review: Crazy Stupid Bromance | Lyssa Kay Adams | Bromance Book Club #2
How do we know when to let go of our past and heal? That is what Lyssa Kay Adams explores in the third book in the Bromance Book Club series, Crazy Stupid Bromance.…
Book Review: The Other Passenger | Louise Candlish
This is a spoiler-free review of The Other Passenger by Louise Candlish. If you are wanting to have the ending explained and my thoughts on these wild twists, head over to my spoiler…
Book Review: Happy Place | Emily Henry
Have you ever delayed sharing news because you don’t want to ruin an event or outing? Or maybe because you honestly are avoiding the drama that will come with sharing it? Sometimes it…
Book Review: Smile Beach Murder | Alicia Bessette
A quaint mystery set in a cozy island community with a treasure hunt, an intriguing case, and depth to the characters and relationships that makes you want to see them succeed. Smile Beach…
Book Review: The Soulmate | Sally Hepworth
This is a spoiler-free review of The Soulmate by Sally Hepworth. If you have read the book and want more detail on the ending or are looking for spoilers, you can head to…