Book Review: The Kindred Spirits Supper Club | Amy E. Reichert
Charming, adorable romcom with one of the most beloved heroines ever—this is your perfect summer read! About the Book Jobless and forced home to Wisconsin, journalist Sabrina Monroe can tolerate reunions with frenemies…
Book Review: Every Vow You Break | Peter Swanson
Peter Swanson can honestly do no wrong in my eyes. Every book of his feels at once fresh and unique, but also stylistically somehow still him. I know not every ready will respond…
Book Review: The Plot I Jean Hanff Korelitz
Who is the true owner of a story? How much of a story can be used before it becomes someone else’s? Without question The Plot by Jean Hanff Korelitz is one of the…
BLOG TOUR: Dead Secret by Noelle Holten @nholten40 @letstalkbookspr @berittalksbooks #deadsecret #letstalkbooks
There are few things more rewarding as a book blogger than seeing someone you’ve worked with before follow their passion for writing and create truly fantastic books! I have worked with Noelle a…
Book Review: Are We There Yet? | Kathleen West
Do you ever feel like everyone else has it more together than you? Are We There Yet tells the story of a group of mothers caught up in the never ending pursuit of…
Book Review: The Truth and Other Hidden Things | Lea Geller (blog tour)
I am a fan of Lea Geller’s since I read her first book, Trophy Life. I was so excited for the release of her second novel, The Truth and Other Hidden Things and…
Book Review: Mine! How the Hidden Rules of Ownership Control Our Lives | Michael Heller & James Salzman
A hidden set of rules governs who owns what–explaining everything from whether you can recline your airplane seat to why HBO lets you borrow a password illegally–and in this lively and entertaining guide,…
BOOK REVIEW: Surviving Savannah by Patti Callahan @berkleypub #survivingsavannah #berkleybuddyreads #berkleywritesstrongwomen
Absolutely captivating! Surviving Savannah by Patti Callahan explores the will of the human spirit to survive, regardless of what life throws at you. Weaving together the past and the present, that feel synchronous…
BLOG TOUR: The Stills by Jess Montgomery @JessM_author @TLCBookTours @minotaurbooks #thestills #bookreview
I’m so excited to be featuring my review of The Stillsby Jess Montgomery on International Women’s Day because this book truly celebrates the impact of strong women throughout history even in the face…
Book Review: The Perfect Guests | Emma Rous
This absolutely stunning follow up to Emma Rous’s debut book The Au Pair proves that she was certainly no one-hit wonder! I love a well-executed dual timeline mystery, and Emma Rous’s The Perfect…