BOOK REVIEW: One Little Lie by Colleen Coble @colleencoble @TLCbooktours @thomasnelson #onelittlelie
It started with one little lie. But Jane Hardy will do everything in her power to uncover the truth. In the kickoff to a new Pelican Harbor series set in Alabama’s Pelican Bay,…
Book Review: You Are Not Alone by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen @stmartinspress @greerkh @sarahpekkanen #youarenotalone #bookreview
Psychological thrillers will always be my go-to type of book. They delight me and thrill me no matter what mood I’m in. And for me personally, they help me escape the stressful times.…
BOOK REVIEW: Salty, Bitter, Sweet by Mayra Cuevas @mayraecuevas @tlcbooktours @blinkyabooks #saltybittersweet #bookreview
A coming-of-age novel about an American teenager who is living in France with her father and attending a high-caliber cooking program. With dreams of becoming a Michelin-star chef, a troubled relationship with her…
BLOG TOUR: Eat Sleep Work Repeat by Bruce Daisley @brucedaisley @harperone @tlcbooktours #eatsleepworkrepeat
“Let’s start enjoying our jobs again. It’s time to rediscover the joy of work.” I am thrilled to be able to talk today about a recent book I read by Bruce Daisley called…
BLOG TOUR: Valentine by Elizabeth Wetmore @harperperennial @harpercollins #valentine #elizabethwetmore #bookreview
Haunting and exquisite, Valentine is the sort of book that when I read it carried this heavy stillness, where nothing else seemed to exist besides me and the story I was reading. This…
BLOG TOUR: British Murder by Leslie Meier @TLCBookTours @kensingtonbooks #britishmurder #lucystonemysteries
In British Murder, Kensington books brings us two Lucy Stone mysteries in one volume, transporting us from Tinkercove to England for two cozy mysteries. I had a fun time experiencing the UK along…
BLOG TOUR: The Forgotten Letters of Esther Durrant by Kayte Nunn @kaytenunn @tlcbooktours @wmmorrowbooks #theforgottenlettersofestherdurrant
Beautifully-written and full of romance, nostalgia, mystery, and intrigue, The Forgotten Letters of Esther Durrant by Kayte Nunn is a story of two women whose stories intertwine across history and through shared emotions.…
BLOG TOUR: Death by Chocolate Frosted Doughnuts by Sarah Graves @KensingtonBooks @TLCBookTours #deathbychocolatefrosteddoughnut
Cozy mysteries are truly among my favorite books to just take a break from it all. They are surprisingly light, have great characters, and fun settings. They usually have a good sense of…
BLOG TOUR: The Road to Delano by John DeSimone @SuzyAPBookTours @rarebirdlit #theroadtodelano
Thought-provoking and powerful—The Road to Delano by John DeSimone touches on issues of justice, destiny, and equality that resonate from the time of the novel through today. A story you won’t soon forget.…
Book Review: Before She Knew Him | Peter Swanson
The best type of psychological thriller, in my opinion, is the type that leaves your mind spinning after you finish and your jaw dropped, and rereading the final scenes to try and understand…