Book Review: Behind Every Lie | Christina McDonald
Christina McDonald’s The Night Olivia Fell was that wonderful mix of suspense, emotion, and heart. In Behind Every Lie, a woman wakes up in the hospital to a horrifying truth and no memories…
BOOK REVIEW: The Girl in White Gloves by Kerri Maher @BerkleyPub @kerrimaherbooks #thegirlinwhitegloves #bookreview
I am definitely one of those girls who was guilty of growing up absolutely adoring Grace Kelly. Not that she didn’t deserve that adoration, but I feel guilty that I only based that…
BOOK REVIEW: The Last House Guest by Megan Miranda #thelasthouseguest #bookreview
I am really excited to finally read my first Megan Miranda book. If you spend much time on Goodreads or other book platforms, Megan Miranda is a favorite author of book lovers who…
Book Review: No Bad Deed | Heather Chavez
What a ride!!! This book starts with a bang and takes off at breakneck speed until the very final page. When you start Heather Chavez’s No Bad Deed, just make sure you clear…
BOOK REVIEW: A Song for a New Day by Sarah Pinsker @berkleypub @sarahpinsker #asongforanewday
In a dystopian world where public gatherings have been made illegal, one woman raises her voice to stand up for the power of music, art, and human connection. A beautiful story that will…
BOOK REVIEW: The Antidote for Everything by Kimmery Martin @kimmerym @BerkleyPub #theantidoteforeverything
One of the best parts about Berkley as a book publisher is that they consistently surprise me with diverse books and topics that many shy away from. I am delighted that I had…
BOOK REVIEW: You Were There Too by Colleen Oakley @OakleyColleen @BerkleyPub @berkleyromance #youweretheretoo
Do you believe that your dreams have meaning? What would you do if you dreamt about someone you don’t know, and then met that person in real life? In Colleen Oakley’s You Were…
Book Review: Dead to Her | Sarah Pinborough
Love, status, money, power, affairs, voodoo, and murder set in the upper society of Savannah, Georgia in Sarah Pinborough’s latest mind-bending thriller, Dead to Her. I hate to say this, but I need…
BOOK REVIEW: Followers by Megan Angelo @meganangelo @kcc_pr @harlequinbooks @harpercollins #FOLLOWERS #bookreview
In the age of social media, how do we define our worth? I’ll admit as a book blogger and bookstagrammer, I’ve had my fair share of moments where I compare my following, popularity,…
BLOG TOUR: Last Day by Luanne Rice @amazonpub @luannerice @TLCbooktours #lastday #bookreview
An expertly crafted story about a robbery, two deaths, and the secrets that connect them. This was my first Luann Rice novel and I really enjoyed it! About the Book Years ago, Beth…