BOOK REVIEW: My Friend Anna by Rachel DeLoache Williams @gallerybooks #botm #bookreview
This is the type of story that is easy to judge if you don’t delve into the details. A young woman stuck paying for an expensive vacation she took because she thought someone…
Book Review: The Favorite Daughter | Patti Callahan Henry
Emotional, heartfelt, and powerful—Patti Callahan Henry’s The Favorite Daughter is a story of the complexity of families, the anguish of loss, and the profound healing power of forgiveness. About the Book | The…
BLOG TOUR: A Trace of Deceit by Karen Odden @karen_odden @tlcbooktours @morrow_pb @wmmorrowbooks #atraceofdeceit
A Victorian mystery with everything you could want—a strong leading lady, a murder in London’s art world, a meticulous detective, and a missing painting. A Trace of Deceit is a gripping and complex…
BLOG TOUR: The Network by L.C. Shaw @LCShawAuthor @suzyAPbooktours @harperbooks #thenetwork
Fast-paced and intense! What I love about The Network by L.C. Shaw is that it is a true thriller. Not a psychological thriller, not a suspense thriller, not a mystery thriller—but a thriller…
BOOK REVIEW: Anyone by Charles Soule @charlessoule @harperperennial #anyonebook #bookreview
This is the sort of mind-blowing, thought-provoking thriller that will not only have you on the edge of your seat, it will have you thinking in a very different way about our identities…
BOOK REVIEW: A Christmas Home by Marta Perry @berkleypub #bookreview #achristmashome
I like to mix up my book genre so I only read a few holiday books each December. This year one of the ones I chose is the first in a series about…
EXCERPT: Good Girls Lie by J. T. Ellison @thrillerchick @TLCBookTours @harlequinbooks #goodgirlslie
If you haven’t read anything by J. T. Ellison before, first of all what have you been doing that has gotten in the way??? And also, I highly recommend grabbing a copy of…
BLOG TOUR: Every Stolen Breath by Kimberly Gabriel @KT_Gabriel @TLCBookTours #everystolenbreath
Kimberly Gabriel’s heart-racing YA thriller Every Stolen Breath was such a delight to read and truly hard to put down! Filled with tension and inspired by the real life flash mob violence that…
BOOK REVIEW: Not the Girl You Marry by Andie J. Christopher #notthegirlyoumarry #berkleypub #berkleyromance #bookreview
Marketed as a re-imagined How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days for the millennial generation, Andie J Christopher’s novel Not the Girl You Marry was a fun book to read, but that…
BLOG TOUR: A Better Next by Maren Cooper @marenwrites @suzyAPbooktours @shewritespress #abetternext #bookreview
Some books just seem to come at the right time and resonate in a way that you weren’t expecting. When I say Maren Cooper’s novel A Better Next was that book, it’s an…