BOOK REVIEW: If You Lived Here You’d be Home By Now by Christopher Ingraham @_cingraham @HarperCollins #bookreview #ifyoulivedhereyoudbehomebynow
Honest, humorous, thought-provoking, and intellectually stimulating—Christopher Ingraham’s memoir If You Lived Here You’d Be Home by Now chronicles the article he wrote that ended up changing his life, and what has happened since.…
BLOG TOUR: After the Flood by Kassandra Montag @kassandra.montag @tlcbooktours @williammorrowbooks #bookreview #aftertheflood
In an epic story about grief, the love of a mother, and lengths one will go to save their child, many readers will find themselves lost in the emotions of Kassandra Montag’s debut…
BOOK REVIEW: The Vanished Bride by Bella Ellis @RowanColeman @BerkleyPub #TheVanishedBride #bookreview
I participated in an absolutely DELIGHTFUL buddy read of The Vanished Bride over the past few weeks. Are you a fan of mysteries? Women empowerment? Historical fiction based around read people or events?…
BOOK REVIEW: Never Have I Ever by Joshilyn Jackson @JoshilynJackson @WmMorrowBooks #neverhaveiever #audiobooks #bookreview
Diabolical! One of the best books I’ve read in 2019 without question, Joshilyn Jackson’s Never Have I Ever is intelligent, expertly-plotted, twisted, and with a dash of dark humor that makes it a…
Book Review: A Killer Carnival by Jeannette de Beauvoir @JeannetteDeB #akillercarnival #cozy mystery
Someone in Provincetown, MA is set to destroy Carnival if it’s the last thing they do in the latest installment of Jeannette de Beauvoir’s Provincetown Mysteries. Working as a wedding and events coordinator…
Book Review: The Woman in the Park | Teresa Sorkin & Tullan Holmqvist
A married woman, a mysterious stranger, a murder… Teresa Sorkin and Tullan Holmqvist wrote a slam-dunk five-star thriller that kept my mind spinning to the very last delightfully twisted page. Once you pick…
BOOK REVIEW: The Only Skill That Matters by Jonathan Levi @entreprenewer @TLCbooktours @superhumanacad #theonlyskillthatmatters #reading
I just finished the last section of Jonathan Levi’s book The Only Skill The Matters, and to be honest I am livid. LIVID! Do you know why I’m upset right now? Because every…
BOOK REVIEW: Well Met by Jen DeLuca @jaydee_ell @berkleyromance @tayhaggerty @berkleypub #wellmet #bookreview
“I didn’t choose the wench life, the wench life chose me.” If those aren’t outstanding opening lines for a book, I don’t know what are! Jen De Luca’s contemporary romance Well Met had…
BLOG TOUR: The House by the Cypress Trees by Elena Mikalsen @WF_writerEM @suzyAPbooktours #bookreview #thehousebythecypresstrees #womensfiction
Some books provide a sensory experience that rushes you away and makes you forget where you are when you read it. In The House by the Cypress Trees by Elena Mikalsen, an American…
BOOK REVIEW: A Killer Edition by Lorna Barrett @lornabarrett @berkleypub #akilleredition #booktownmystery
I loved visiting Stoneham (aka Booktown) in the latest edition of the Booktown Mysteries, A Killer Edition! Lorna Barrett is a big name in cozy mysteries, and I always enjoy her books. This…