BOOK REVIEW: The Girl Across the Street by Vikki Patis @PatisVikki @Bookouture #blogtour #blogblitz #thegirlacrossthestreet
Constant suspense until the very last page, this one will have you on the edge of your seat, unable to blink until you know the conclusion! This was my first book by Vikki…
BOOK REVIEW: Her Closest Friend by Clare Boyd @clareboydclark @bookouture #blogtour #herclosestfriend #bookblogger
Seriously twisted!!! I am reeling over Her Closest Friend by Clare Boyd! This book puts the twist in twisted! It brings to mind the phrase “with a friend like this, who needs enemies?”…
BOOK REVIEW: A Beautiful Corpse by Christi Daugherty @CJ_Daugherty @MinotaurBooks #bookbestiesabeautifulcorpse #abeautifulcorpse
Wow, this book was so compulsively readable and addictive! I found myself thinking about the mystery of A Beautiful Corpse by Christi Daugherty whenever I wasn’t reading it. As journalist Harper McClain pursues…
BOOK REVIEW: The Last Woman in the Forest by Diane Les Becquets @dlesbecquets @berkleypub #bookbestieslastwomanintheforest #thelastwomanintheforest
The opening chapter to Diane Les Becquet’s The Last Woman in the Forest is positively chilling! From the moment I read it, I seriously couldn’t put the book down. I wouldn’t say this…
BOOK REVIEW: Murder Likes it Hot by Tracy Weber @TracyWeberTypes @midnightinkbook #downwarddogmystery #cozymystery #bookreview
It’s a cozy Friday here on the blog and I couldn’t be happier about it! I finished reading the 6th installment in Tracy Weber’s downward dog mystery series, Murder Likes it Hot, and…
BOOK REVIEW: Sophie Last Seen by Marlene Adelstein @fixyourbook #bookreview #bookblog #sophielastseen
Emotionally, this book got me right in the feels! Marlene Adelstein’s debut novel Sophie Last Seen tells the story of a mother stuck in a perpetual state of grieving after the disappearance of…
Book Review: Til Death Do Us Part | Kate White | Bailey Weggins #3
I’m back again with my blog spotlight on Kate White, a favorite author of mine! I read almost all of her books before I had a blog, so I’m really excited to get…
BOOK REVIEW: The Promise by Teresa Driscoll @teresadriscoll @amazonpub
A dark character study of the impact a promise made long ago has on the lives of three women. Teresa Driscoll’s The Promise is more of a suspense novel than psychological thriller, but…
BOOK REVIEW: The Care and Feeding of Ravenously Hungry Girls by Anissa Gray @berkleypub #thecareandfeedingofravenouslyhungrygirls #bookbestiescareandfeeding #bookbestieapproved
A dark portrayal of the dysfunction of families, this book touches on many important but difficult subjects. The Care and Feeding of Ravenously Hungry Girls by Anissa Gray is the sort of book…
BOOK REVIEW: The Secret of Clouds by Alyson Richman @alysonrichman @berkleypub #thesecretofclouds #bookbestiessecretofclouds
Tearfully beautiful and filled with a certain sort of magic that only an inspiring story can deliver, Alyson Richman’s The Secret of Clouds is a book I encourage everyone to open their heaart to. I’m still…