BOOK EXCERPT: The Friendship List by Susan Mallery @susanmallery @tlcbooktours @harlequinbooks #thefriendshiplist
Can you believe it is the last day of July? Summer somehow feels like it just started and has been so long. I don’t know about you, but I have been missing vacations…
BOOK REVIEW: Followers by Megan Angelo @meganangelo @kcc_pr @harlequinbooks @harpercollins #FOLLOWERS #bookreview
In the age of social media, how do we define our worth? I’ll admit as a book blogger and bookstagrammer, I’ve had my fair share of moments where I compare my following, popularity,…
Book Review: The Wives | Tarryn Fisher
What a book!!! This one is a read-in-a-day type of story. It’s so unique, the premise for this! And I found the main character Thursday to be fascinating. Essentially, Thursday’s husband has two…
EXCERPT: Good Girls Lie by J. T. Ellison @thrillerchick @TLCBookTours @harlequinbooks #goodgirlslie
If you haven’t read anything by J. T. Ellison before, first of all what have you been doing that has gotten in the way??? And also, I highly recommend grabbing a copy of…
BOOK REVIEW: Playing House by Ruby Lang @rubelang @harlequinbooks #playinghouse
A sweet story and a quick read, Ruby Lang’s novella Playing House is a fun spin on romance. Centering around two characters who are both Chinese-American and both Urban Planners, I had a…
BOOK REVIEW: Dear Wife by Kimberly Belle @kimberlysbelle @parkrowbooks @harlequinbooks #dearwife #bookreview
Drop everything you are reading and pick up a copy of Kimberly Belle’s latest novel of psychological suspense, Dear Wife. I am a big fan of Kimberly Belle—I’ve read all of her books.…
BOOK REVIEW: The Favorite Daughter by Kaira Rouda @KairaRouda @HarlequinBooks #thefavoritedaughter
A twisty, fun trip deep into the mind of Jane—a delightfully delusional and seriously twisted housewife in Orange County. I seriously LOVED this book! An unreliable narrator, a twisty plot, and a completely…
BOOK REVIEW: The Perfect Girlfriend by Karen Hamilton @KJHAuthor @HarlequinBooks #ThePerfectGirlfriend #bookreview #bookblog
YOU’VE NEVER READ A LOVE STORY AS TWISTED AS THIS. You know when you read a book, and you know logically who you are supposed to like and dislike, and somehow you feel…
Book Review: For Better and Worse | Margot Hunt
Hold on while I pick my jaw up off the floor and wait for my heart rate to slow—because this book really did a NUMBER on me in the BEST possible way!!! Reading…
Book Review: A Tall, Dark, Cowboy Christmas | Maisey Yates
Happy Sunday and happy December! I am on my branching out tour right now and I read a Christmas romance book that is firmly in the romance category (none of those romance thrillers…