Book Review: There is No Ethan | Anna Akbari
This is a spoiler-free review of There is No Ethan. If you are looking for spoilers and to find out who Ethan was and what has happened since, head over to my spoiler…
Non-fiction Book Review: The Exvangelicals | Sarah McCammon
Part memoir and part journalistic investigation—Sarah McCammon’s The Exvangelicals: Loving, Living, and Leaving the White Evangelical Church is a powerful and thought-provoking study of the growing social movement of people leaving the white…
BOOK REVIEW: My Friend Anna by Rachel DeLoache Williams @gallerybooks #botm #bookreview
This is the type of story that is easy to judge if you don’t delve into the details. A young woman stuck paying for an expensive vacation she took because she thought someone…
BLOG TOUR: Body Leaping Backward: Memoir of a Delinquent Girlhood by Maureen Stanton @tlcbooktours @maureenstanton1 @hmhbooks #bodyleapingbackward
A haunting, often humorous, and though-provoking story of one woman’s journey of delinquency, self-discovery, and healing. I found Maureen Stanton’s words captivating, I read her story in a single sitting. Her memoir, Body…
BOOK REVIEW: If You Lived Here You’d be Home By Now by Christopher Ingraham @_cingraham @HarperCollins #bookreview #ifyoulivedhereyoudbehomebynow
Honest, humorous, thought-provoking, and intellectually stimulating—Christopher Ingraham’s memoir If You Lived Here You’d Be Home by Now chronicles the article he wrote that ended up changing his life, and what has happened since.…