BLOG TOUR: Dead Secret by Noelle Holten @nholten40 @letstalkbookspr @berittalksbooks #deadsecret #letstalkbooks
There are few things more rewarding as a book blogger than seeing someone you’ve worked with before follow their passion for writing and create truly fantastic books! I have worked with Noelle a few times in her role as the PR and Social Media Manager for Bookouture, and I’ve been reading her Maggie Jamieson series as she added author to her already impressive resume! While some series seem to struggle after book 2, I have to say that after finishing book 4, Dead Secret, Noelle Holten’s books are getting even stronger as they go! This was personally my favorite so far from the series, and I’m excited to keep reading them!
As always with a series, it is great if you can read them in order, but I also would say that since each book contains its own case, you truly can jump into this series at any point without feeling at all like you missed something. Noelle has a great skill with character building, and she makes sure to develop Maggie in each book which definitely makes me feel connected to the story!
In Dead Secret, DC Maggie Jamieson is feeling a bit burnt out in her career after closing a particularly difficult case. She is brought in with her colleague Lucy Sherwood when a domestic violence survivor who is unable to speak seeks help. When the murder of a young man with a curious ink marking on his face comes across her desk, Maggie finds herself in the middle of another troubling case. The case gets more complicated when one of her colleagues DCI Hastings goes missing and some evidence points to him as a prime suspect. Are the cases truly linked? Could DCI Hastings really be behind such a terrible crime? And how does the other victim fit into this?
This is a tensely wound story of several seemingly unconnected cases that definitely have a shocking link. I don’t want to give anything away from the mystery so I won’t say much more about the plot. I do want to call out the great characters Noelle has built in this series and in this book. Maggie truly gives her all to every case she works, which is why she runs the risk of burn out. There is no quit in Maggie—she will do everything she can to solve cases and get justice for the victims, to her own detriment at times. Maggie is easy to connect with as a character. We also get to see even more of her personal life which enhanced her as a character. Kate Maloney who had been central in previous books is still present, but she is much more separate from the story than before. I was glad we still saw Kate as a support in Maggie’s life and career. Meanwhile we see Lucy come back in this book (she made an appearance earlier in the series) and I think she adds something different but valuable to the story. The other characters from the team are all present and well-developed in their unique ways.
And of course, a small teaser to say that as usual, Noelle left us with a total WOW ending that definitely has me desperate for the next book to come out! Those cliffhangers…
Thank you to Berit at Let’s Talk Books PR and One More Chapter for my copy!
About the Book
Psychopaths can take root in the unlikeliest soil…
DC Maggie Jamieson crosses paths once again with Probation Officer Lucy Sherwood when a domestic violence survivor stumbles into her new refuge, unable to speak, desperate for help.
Then another case hits Maggie’s desk. A young man has been murdered, and a curious constellation of black dots has been inked onto his cheek.
That’s when DCI Hastings goes missing and Maggie uncovers a shocking connection that turns the case on its head.
Every family may hide secrets, but not every family buries them…
About the Author
Noelle Holten is an award-winning blogger at www.crimebookjunkie.co.uk. She is the PR & Social Media Manager for Bookouture, a leading digital publisher in the UK, and worked as a Senior Probation Officer for eighteen years, covering a variety of risk cases as well as working in a multi agency setting. She has three Hons BA’s – Philosophy, Sociology (Crime & Deviance) and Community Justice – and a Masters in Criminology. Noelle’s hobbies include reading, attending as many book festivals as she can afford and sharing the booklove via her blog. Dead Inside – her debut novel with One More Chapter/Harper Collins UK is an international kindle bestseller and the start of a new series featuring DC Maggie Jamieson.
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Website: https://www.crimebookjunkie.co.uk