BOOK REVIEW: The Book Supremacy by Kate Carlisle @KateCarlisle @BerkleyPub @BerkleyMystery #TheBookSupremacy #cozymystery
A cozy mystery series based around old books and spies is a pretty hard-to-turn-down combination! Kate Carlisle’s The Book Supremacy is a really fun mystery that has vintage elements in a modern setting.…
Book Review: Mine | Courtney Cole
Mine by Courtney Cole is an intense, heart-pounding portrayal of what happens when a woman cheated on finds herself locked in with her husband’s mistress hours after finding out about the affair. The…
BOOK REVIEW: Cherry Scones and Broken Bones by Darci Hannah @midnightinkbook @kayepublicity #cherrysconesandbrokenbones #cozymystery
If a cherry-themed cozy isn’t the most adorable thing, I don’t know what is! I finished reading the second book in the Very Cherry Mysteries this week and I loved it—so charming! In…
BOOK REVIEW: Those People by Louise Candlish @louise_candlish @berkleypub #thosepeople #louisecandlish #bookreview
It’s the type of block that everyone wants to live on. When you live on Lowland Way, you’re one of the privileged few who are protected from the outside by your closely bonded…
BOOK REVIEW: The Friends We Keep by Jane Green @JaneGreen @BerkleyPub #TheFriendsWeKeep #BookReview
Friendship, forgiveness, and finding your way in life. In Jane Green’s The Friends We Keep, three best friends are followed over decades, as they lose touch and come back together. This is a…
BOOK REVIEW: A Shot of Murder by J. A. Kazimer @JAKazimer @midnightinkbook @KayePublicity #AShotofMurder #cozymystery #bookreview
200 years ago, a whisky distillery was founded in Gett, Florida named Lucky Whisky. When Lucky shared his secret recipe with this best friend Gett, he stole it and started a rival distillery.…
BLOG TOUR: The Honeymoon by Rona Halsall @RonaHalsallAuth @bookouture #booksontour #blogblitz #thehoneymoon
A whirlwind romance leads to a dream honeymoon…but what if that dream turns out to be a nightmare? I have to say, UK psychological thrillers are almost always pretty wild rides, and this…
BOOK REVIEW: Some Choose Darkness by Charlie Donlea @CharlieDonlea @KensingtonBooks #somechoosedarkness #bookreview
Charlie Donlea’s latest thriller Some Choose Darkness is the type of book that builds so much suspense, that I felt on the edge of my seat every page! This is a masterful book,…
BOOK REVIEW: A Deadly Feast (Key West food critic mystery #9) by Lucy Burdette @LucyBurdette @crookedlanebks #adeadlyfeast #bookreview
It’s nearly Thanksgiving in Key West and for food critic Hayley Snow, that can only mean one thing—lobster macaroni, key lime pie, and murder! We find Hayley preparing for not only Thanksgiving, but…
BOOK REVIEW: Murder She Wrote: Murder in Red by Jessica Fletcher and Jon Land @JonDLand @BerkleyPub @BerkleyMystery #murdershewrote #murderinred
I love pretty much ALL cozy mysteries, but I have a special place in my heart for a few of my favorite amateur sleuths—Nancy Drew, Miss Marple, and of course, the irreplaceable Jessica…